“This Generation Shall Not Pass”

“This Generation Shall Not Pass”
Vol: 11 Issue: 24 Saturday, August 24, 2002

It wasn’t that long ago that the world was convinced that Israel committed a massacre at Jenin in which it allegedly lined up five hundred Palestinians and executed them.

The mere fact that Israel mistrusts the United Nations and wouldn’t cooperate was seen as evidence of Israeli guilt. The Israelis were pronounced guilty by most the mainstream press, and were convicted [before the scope of the alleged crime was even known] via anti-Israeli resolutions offered by both the United Nations and the European Union.

Of course, there was no massacre at Jenin or anywhere else and despite the hostility of the investigating agencies, they were unable to come up with a scintilla of evidence supporting an alleged massacre.

Instead, they found bodies that had been disinterred from local cemetaries and planted on the Jenin battlefield, Palestinian funerals for ‘martyrs’ who weren’t dead, and massive evidence of a frame up job being perpetrated against Israel.

Unable to discover evidence of a massacre, the matter was quietly dropped in favor of the next set of allegations against the Israelis. As usual, all allegations are treated as facts until disproved.


Although the global press can find nothing about Israel to admire, when it comes to Yasser Arafat or Palestinian suicide bombers, they are generally depicted as ‘freedom fighters’ standing up to a great oppressing power.

A news story published by the Singapore Straits Times extolled the Palestinian suicide bomber and ensured no reader would miss who was the good guy in the conflict.

“Deaths in Israel from suicide bombings have more than doubled in the past year. The surge has occurred despite aggressive Israeli operations that have immobilised everyday life for most of the two million Palestinians in the West Bank, fenced in another 1.2 million in the Gaza Strip, killed hundreds of people accused of anti-Israeli attacks and detained thousands.

The suicide bomber has become the Palestinian version of a smart weapon, Israeli military officers said. Moreover, it’s cheap, unpredictable and abundant. It’s relatively easy to hide, transport and store, and therefore difficult to detect and defend against.”

Note that the “aggressive” Israelis ‘killed hundreds of people ACCUSED of anti-Israel attacks.’ While the (apparently passive) Palestinians get the benefit of the doubt, Israel is portrayed as a super-villian being put in its place by the suicide bombing campaign so admired by the column’s author.

Even now, after it is common knowledge that everything we’ve been saying about Arafat for a decade is true; he never wanted peace, he planned the ‘spontaneous’ uprising in advance, he used the uprising to postpone elections to stay in power, he stole hundreds of millions of dollars (billions, according to some reports) earmarked for his suffering people; still, if there is room to offer the benefit of the doubt, it is immediately extended to Arafat and the Palestinian Authority. Jenin is a perfect example.

Because all this is known fact and beyond dispute, the US has been seeking ways to sideline Arafat in favor of an honest representative. The White House proposed that the Palestinians select a prime minister and ‘promote’ Arafat to a ceremonial presidential role.

The Palestinian cabinet met to consider the plan, and, having considered it carefully, promptly told the US to kiss off.

Palestinian cabinet minister Saeb Erekat told reporters, “We told them (the United States) that this is not your business,” Erekat said. “We were shocked during the discussions that the American side is speaking about changing the law of elections.”

They were ‘shocked’ — shocked, I tell you, at the concept of the US interfering with Palestinian election laws (as if they actually had any).

Further, they say, in a free and democratic election, Arafat would be re-elected immediately. Not that there’d be any way of establishing that as fact. The only sense in which you could apply the word ‘democracy’ to the Palestinian Authority would be in the classical Greek sense of ‘mob rule’.

If, as claimed, Arafat would indeed be immediately re-elected by his people, then several things become crystal clear to any honest observer.

First, it becomes crystal clear that the Palestinian people themselves do not want peace with Israel. It is equally clear that they don’t want a two-state solution but instead want a Jew-free Palestine.

There is no question Arafat supports terror as a method of persuasion. There is no question that he has employed terror in the past and no doubt he will employ it in the future. Those who would immediately re-elect him would presumably share his views.

That makes Arafat your average, representative Palestinian. A terrorist bent on the destruction of Israel — even at the expense of plunging the region into open war.

Now to the point. A people that would elect a known terrorist to office, would resist efforts to remove that terrorist once he was known to be a terrorist and would defend the terrorist activities of its government is a terrorist population.

If there is a major difference between Osama bin-Laden, Saddam Hussien and Yasser Arafat, I am unable to discover it. Applying the same logic, if there’s a difference between the average Palestinian and the average al-Qaeda fighter, I would be unable to articulate it.

Yet the entire world sides with the terrorist and the terrorist gang he leads. The whole world is prepared to rise up and defend Palestinian ‘democracy’ where none exists, knowing that if Palestinian ‘democracy’ prevails, the only genunine democracy in the Middle East must be destroyed. It makes absolutely no sense in the natural. None whatever.

Except in the context of Bible prophecy. The Bible says that in the last days, Israel would be reborn, would become the center of global attention, and would find itself standing alone against the rest of the world.

That statement, made say, in 1945, would have sounded like an impossibility. When Israel was in fact reborn as a Western-style democracy, the likelihood of the predicted global emnity seemed even more unlikely. Why would a democracy stand alone against the whole world? Democracies tend to stick together.

But the Bible said the whole world would stand against Israel in the last days. It doesn’t matter if Israel is a mirror image of Europe or America when it comes to respecting human rights, the rule of law and individual freedoms for its citizens.

Israel’s destiny was recorded thousands of years in advance to play out exactly as it is now playing out before our very eyes.

Jesus said of the generation that witnessed these developments, “this generation shall not pass until ALL be fulfilled.” [Matthew 24:34]

WE are that generation.

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About Pete Garcia

Christian, father, husband, veteran, pilot, and sinner saved by grace. I am a firm believer in, and follower of Jesus Christ. I am Pre-Trib, Dispensational, and Non-Denominational (but I lean Southern Baptist).

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